My first blog: if Momma could see me now

jesse s. hanson here. i’m a writer. Been writing all my life, mostly songs. Some of you might actually be familiar with some of those. No big success but i’d say i’m fortunate to have some respect that way, from those familiar with my work. Two self-released CD’s out there with The Primatives: “The Lovers of Kali Yuga” and “Primative Spirit”. Check em out. You can find em at CD baby. We’re on myspace at .

But that’s not why i’m here blogging. Nope. The reason i’m here blogging is that i have written a novel. It’s called “Song of George/Portrait of an Unlikely Holy Man”. And it’s going to be published to boot. And by a very fine publisher, at that: All Things That Matter Press. They’re remarkable in that they focus on spiritually inspired work. You can find them at: With a fine group of very talented authors and a smart forward thinking promotional scheme… well, just go to their website if you want to get some idea of how well they’re doing.

Regarding my novel, “Song of George/Portrait of an Unlikely Holy Man” is about a man with a severe form of mental illness and an addictive personality, who is somehow elevated to a very high spiritual status. He is subsequently saddled with responsibility for the unfortunate souls with which he is mutually incarcerated in the psychiatric unit of a modern Federal Prison.

Being new at the blog, i think i’ll stop here, for now. Best wishes to all in a troubled, yet awe inspiring world. jesse s. hanson